
Safety and Security

Safety in

Industrial Environments

Company must fulfill numerous safety requirements in their operations and work environments.


For example, construction sites and power plants with hazardous materials need to track the location of all workers in real time to minimize collisions or catastrophic incidents between equipment, people, and machinery, and precise location systems can be used to ensure the safety and lives of workers in hazardous working environments and protect assets.

ACcident ZERO

UWB-based Collision Prevention SystemRTLS

UWB-based Collision Prevention SystemRTLS (Real Time Location System) based on UWB communication technology is a technology for anti-collision between workers and dangerous equipment (forklifts, AGVs, etc.) in industrial sites, and location data is collected in the following three ways.

The collected location data is transmitted to the RTLS software and real-time control services can be implemented to provide safety services such as real-time risk analysis, facility and worker location tracking, and site management on the web and mobile.

Multichannel blind spot monitoring

Integrate front and rear high-definition cameras to ensure driver visibility

Worker approach detection precision tracking technology

Location-based collision avoidance and worker approach detection for alarms

Safety Beam Zone Marking Accident Prevention

High-powered LED beam marks the safety zone around the vehicle

Solution Features

Danger Security Areas Entry alarm

Control access to people or vehicles when entering hazardous or secure areas Fully automate entry and exit with authorized/unauthorized access control.

Between workers and equipment collision avoidance

Provide real-time location tracking and collision risk warnings to prevent collisions between workers and forklifts or mobile equipment.

GPS+UWB Hybrid positioning

Converged positioning technology utilizing UWB and GPS for unrestricted location control indoors and outdoors.

Emergency Calling & Motion Detection

In case of emergency, the emergency call button on the worker's portable tag can be called immediately. Motion sensor in the tag sends control as an abnormal condition event when there is no movement for a period of time. 

Digital Twin Control

Control various site information such as IoT data linkage, real-time risk analysis, real-time location information, facility utilization rate, and worker status through 3D digital twin method on web/mobile.

ACcident ZERO

UWB-based collision prevention and indoor/outdoor hybrid 3D control system

Hybrid RTLS


  • "UWB precise positioning" within the indoor UWB Locator installation area
  • Uninterrupted "continuous positioning" from outdoors to indoors

Applying the latest UWB specifications for heavy equipment and workers

  • Heavy Equipment Anchor works simultaneously with UWB Tag function in indoor section
  • Worker Tag operates UWB Tag function other than heavy equipment collision function

3D Control Technology 3D-based technolog
Digital twin control and monitoring with 3D-based technology


Combining GPS absolute coordinates and cell phone collection tag-to-tag distances, applying additional geolocation logic development, and extracting improved precise geolocation coordinates based on the location platform's GLE (Geolocation Engine)


Hybrid RTLS


  • "GPS Positioning" when moving outdoors when moving outdoorsUninterrupted
  • "Continuous positioning" when moving from indoors to outdoors

Application of GPS positioning for heavy equipment and workers

  • Application of GNSS-enabled GPS module specifications in heavy equipment anchors
  • Worker Tag is recognized through heavy equipment anchor or mobile phone linkage and GPS positioning operation 

The RTLS infrastructure creates a safe working environment,
protects workers' lives, and prevents disasters.

RTLS Application

Industry 4.0
Smart Factory

Smart Building

Indoor Guide




RTLS Application

Industry 4.0
Smart Factory



Indoor Guide



Let's Talk

Phone: +82 31-689-5541
Email: sale@geoplan.kr
#622/623 SKV1, 142, LS-daero, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do
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